Earn money with tiktok ?


New member
Feb 10, 2024
Hey guys, have you seen how some people are making serious money on TikTok lately?

Yeah, I've heard about it! It seems like everyone's trying to crack the code on TikTok monetization.
Seriously, I've seen some creators pulling in crazy amounts of cash just by posting short videos.
how exactly do you make money on TikTok?
Well, one way is through the TikTok Creator Fund. Once you hit a certain number of followers and engagement metrics, you can qualify for payments based on the views your videos get.
Well, one way is through the TikTok Creator Fund. Once you hit a certain number of followers and engagement metrics, you can qualify for payments based on the views your videos get.
Interesting! What about brand partnerships? I've seen influencers teaming up with companies for sponsored content.
How do you even approach brands for partnerships? Do they come to you, or do you have to reach out?
How do you even approach brands for partnerships? Do they come to you, or do you have to reach out?
It can go both ways. Sometimes brands will reach out if they're interested in your content and audience. Other times, you might need to pitch yourself and your ideas to them.