TikTok earning or YouTube Earning ?


New member
Feb 10, 2024
Hey guys, I've been wondering, which platform do you think is better for earning money: TikTok or YouTube?

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Hmm, that's a good question. Both platforms have their pros and cons when it comes to making money.
Yeah, on TikTok, you can start earning through the TikTok Creator Fund once you hit a certain follower threshold and meet other requirements.
Right, and I've heard you can also make money on TikTok through brand partnerships and sponsored content, especially if your videos get a lot of views and engagement.
That sounds promising. But what about YouTube? I know it's been around longer and has a more established monetization system.
That sounds promising. But what about YouTube? I know it's been around longer and has a more established monetization system.
Yeah, with YouTube, you can earn money through various streams like ad revenue, channel memberships, Super Chats during live streams, and sponsored content.
Yeah, with YouTube, you can earn money through various streams like ad revenue, channel memberships, Super Chats during live streams, and sponsored content.
Plus, YouTube has a larger audience and more diverse content options compared to TikTok, which could mean more earning potential in the long run.
Plus, YouTube has a larger audience and more diverse content options compared to TikTok, which could mean more earning potential in the long run.
That's true, but YouTube also has stricter requirements for monetization, like needing at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.
That's true, but YouTube also has stricter requirements for monetization, like needing at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.
So, it seems like both platforms have their advantages and challenges when it comes to earning money.
Both TikTok and YouTube offer opportunities for creators to earn money and build their online presence. The choice between the two platforms often depends on your content strategy, audience demographics, and preferred methods of monetization. Many creators also diversify their presence across both platforms to maximize reach and earnings potential.
TikTok tends to attract a younger demographic interested in short-form, creative content, challenges, and trends.
YouTube has a broader audience range interested in diverse content types, including tutorials, vlogs, educational content, and entertainment.
How can I effectively use hashtags, collaborations, and viral trends to expand my reach?
You can search a topic in the search bar, and a list of what people are searching for will come up, use one of those as your video title. You should get more views.